…awne vp a tablet of gold, they fell to strife about it, each would haue had it, so vnto 〈◊〉 his oracle they went, who bad them giue it vnto the wise.(g) 〈◊〉] A sort of youthes hauing bought (at a venture) a draught of the Milesian fishers, 〈◊〉 Olympiad, after Apollodorus his account in Laertius. (f) Thales] The first Naturalist of Greece * 〈◊〉 first yeare of the 35. … the name of wise, is Gods peculiar onely.…of custome, as ambitious and arrogant: and all were called Philosophers after that, fo.…pher with a more modest respect of his glory: And herevpon the name Sophi grew quite.… had called themselues wise men, Sophi hee would bee called, But a louer of wisdome, a P.…ked of Leontes the Phliasian King what hee professed, hee answered that whereas the rest of his pros.out of Heraclides of Pontus) relateth that Pythagoras beeing …ng backe, disliking the tyrannous rule of Polycrates of Samos hee passed ouer to I∣taly.…e that the Greekes tooke from the Italians, hee went into Egipt with King Amasis, and r.(d) Pythagoras] Aristoxenus saith hee was of Tyrrhe∣ Thales taught his fellow cittizen, Anaximander, he his fellow cit∣tizen also Anaximenes: hee, Anaxagoras of Clazomene, Pericles, Archelaus and Socrates of Athens: and Socrates almost all Athens. …sopher, Tymotheus, the Musician, Anaximander the Naturalist, and diuers other whose w.…se Citty (saith Mela) both for all artes of warre and peace: the natiue soile of Thales the.…ing Aeolia and Caria on the sides: this on the South-side that on the North: Miletus is the.… * Ionia is a country in Asia Minor, betweene the Lydians, the Lycaonians, and our sea.…us, Heraclea, Croto, and Turii: and lieth betweene the promontories of Sales, and La∣.baies I spoke of, one of them containes these fiue Citties, Tarentum Me∣ …s (a most vanie-glorious nation) shewne of themselues, in calling such a part of Italy, Magna Grecia, Great Greece? Whereby hee sheweth that it was but a little part of Italy, that they 〈◊〉 thus.…e haue held al Italy to be called so, because Pliny doth write thus: What haue the Gre∣cia.(b) Out of that part] At Locris (saith Pliny) beginneth the coast of that part of Ita∣ly called Magna Grecia: it is extended into three bares: and confronteth the Hadriatique sea (now called Golfo De Venetia) which the Grecians vsed oftentimes to crosse ouer. So did Plato and Aristotle distinguish such as were of more antiquity then these. Where Phythagoras the first Maister of one opinion, taught: another of Ionia, Thales his na∣tiue soile, wherein Miletum standeth, called also (saith Mela) Ionia, because it was the chiefe Citty of that country. TWo (a) kindes] The sects of Philosophers at first were so great in Greece, that they were distinguished by the names of the Seigniories they liued in: One of Italy, the country